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There are multiple criteria which must be met in order to qualify for access to the Patent Box. It can only be accessed by companies that are headquartered in the UK and where the main research and development nexus is also within the UK.

If your business qualifies, you could benefit from a significant discount on corporation tax in relation to the profits derived from the patented invention. What is more, if your patented technology only contributes to one small element of a wider product, you may qualify for the tax exemption on the value of the product as a whole. In this respect, the Patent Box can be a very generous benefit and which makes it popular for innovative companies looking to manage their tax exposure in the UK.


Patent Box - the Keltie difference

Our attorneys have witnessed first hand how the Patent Box system successfully stimulates innovation. In spite of this , many innovative British businesses are not using it. Whilst awareness of similar initiatives such as R&D tax Credits is high, awareness of the Patent Box is still relatively low - as of 2021 it is estimated that a majority of companies involved in innovating in the UK are not accessing the scheme.


Keltie offers comprehensive audits of your technology and technology processes, to help determine whether or not you are generating the kind of innovations that might enable you to qualify for the Patent Box.


This where we add value - by getting involved in the earliest stages of planning and developing an innovation, we can help access and unlock the benefits of the scheme. Our experienced attorneys will advise on whether Patent Box considerations should be built into your intellectual property strategy and portfolio, so you can capitalise on the value of your innovations.


Contact our skilled patent attorneys today to find out whether your innovation could enable you can start enjoying the benefits of the Patent Box.

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T 56/21 – A missed opportunity for providing legal certainty on adapting the description at the EPO


T 56/21 – A missed opportunity for providing legal certainty on adapting the description at the EPO

It is typically a requirement at the EPO to amend the description for conformity with the allowable claims before grant of a patent; however, there have been a number of diverging decisions on the matter. The latest decision finds that there is no legal basis for enforcing this requirement, which might suggest that it will no longer be necessary to adapt the description. However, there are other decisions which support the requirement to adapt the description. In view of this, and because the Board of Appeal in this case opted not to involve the highest authority at the EPO in order to clarify the situation, it is unclear as to whether or not the requirement to adapt the description will remain.

What is a patent?


What is a patent?

A patent is a time-limited monopoly awarded by countries as an incentive for investment in novel and non-obvious technical innovation. The purpose of the patent system is to allow companies and inventors to invest in innovation without concern that this will be lost when they go to market because others will copy their innovations.

An interview with Shakeel Ahmad, Partner at Keltie


An interview with Shakeel Ahmad, Partner at Keltie

We speak to Shakeel to find out what he thinks makes a successful IP firm. We ask him why he believes Keltie ranked Gold in four areas, including Electrical Engineering and Physics and IT and Software.

SynbiTECH 2024

03.12.2024 - 04.12.2024

SynbiTECH 2024

Keltie is proud to sponsor this important event bringing together leaders in engineering biology.

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