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About Daniel

Dan graduated from the University of Bath with a first class MSci degree in Natural Sciences. Following his degree, he completed a PhD at the University of Bath in the field of organic chemistry, during which he explored novel methodologies for the formation of amides and applied these methods to the synthesis of various pharmaceuticals.

Dan joined Keltie in 2024 following four and a half years training at another leading European patent firm. He has experience working in a range of subject-matter, but specialises in organic chemistry / pharmaceuticals.

He qualified as a European Patent Attorney in 2023 and is an Associate in the Life Sciences and Chemistry team at Keltie.

G 1/23 - Potential changes ahead for what constitutes “state of the art”?


G 1/23 - Potential changes ahead for what constitutes “state of the art”?

The EPO Enlarged Board of Appeal has now issued its preliminary (and non-binding) opinion on G 1/23. This referral (from the Technical Board of Appeal in T 438/19) seeks to clarify whether a commercially available product, with an undisclosed composition or internal structure, must be analysable and reproducible by the skilled person in order to constitute prior art under Article 54(2) EPC.

Patent Trends in Renewable Energy Production: Solar Cells


Patent Trends in Renewable Energy Production: Solar Cells

With global annual temperature records being broken at an unprecedented rate, the need for immediate, concerted and multifaceted action to reduce carbon emissions into the Earth’s atmosphere whilst generating greater amounts of easily accessible and cheap energy to power a growing population is increasingly urgent.

Get in touch with Daniel


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