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From Oceans to Innovation: The Power of KelpIs part of the answer to climate change to be found in the sea? Researchers are increasingly looking into applications of kelp and other forms of seaweed, as well as how to preserve and cultivate underwater forests.
AI in Manufacturing – A Modern Industrial RevolutionFrom robots that teach themselves to improve, to systems that predict when parts need to be replaced before they break, Amelia Ross investigates some of the interesting applications of Artificial Intelligence in the world of manufacturing.
Size Matters – The Rise of Fake GrapheneGraphene is a remarkable material, not only in its physical properties but in its high-profile reputation. That reputation gives it an impressive 'selling power' in everything from consumer goods to research proposals. But not all graphene is created equal, and very poor-quality or 'fake' graphene might be as easy to come by as the real stuff...
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