When creating content, it is important to keep the right side of the IP line. Amelia Skelding talks through 5 top tips for influencers.
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1) Protection - Try to obtain registered protection for your brand e.g. your name, logo, domain etc. If you have registered your trade mark, you can use the ®, if not registered, you can use TM.
2) Content Ownership - If you create content, you should clarify in any agreement with the business that commissioned you that the ownership of any rights in the content belong to you.
3) Licences - Once you have ensured that you own the content in any agreement, the right to use the content can be granted through a licence (consider duration & usage).
4) Collaboration/partnerships - Influencers must be transparent about sponsored content and ensure that they do not breach advertising regulations (e.g. using #ad or #pr).
5) Exclusivity - Many companies require a degree of exclusivity when working with influencers, which means you might not be able to work with any of their competitors. It is important to consider the duration of exclusivity and any impact on your brand.
Keltie Trade Mark Team Go For GoldWorld Trademark Review has recognised the trade mark and branding team at Keltie with its highest accolade, the Gold Medal.
Ireland and the Unified Patent CourtDespite being an enthusiastic participant in the European Union, Ireland has sat on the sidelines of the EU’s Unified Patent Court (‘UPC’) project so far. But not for much longer – the Irish Government has announced that the necessary constitutional referendum will be held in June 2024 and that Ireland’s ratification of the UPC Agreement will be fast-tracked if the referendum passes.
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